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Aquarium Terminology

From FishWiki
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

This list contains acronyms and other terms commonly used in the hobby. It is sorted alphabetically.

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ABF - African Butterfly Fish

ADF - African Dwarf Frog

AKA - Also known as

API - Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. an american company that manufactures aquarium products.

Aro - Arowana, a type of fish

ATO - Automatic Top Off system


BBA - Black Beard Algae

Betta - More commonly known as a Siamese Fighting Fish

BN/BNP - Bristle Nose Pleco


CAE - Chinese Algae Eater

Canister - type of filter

CB - Captive Bred

CFL - Compact Fluorescent Light

CL - Craigslist

CO2/C02 - Carbon Dioxide; Used to grow plants. Injected into the aquarium via a diffuser

CPO - Orange Dwarf Crayfish/Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

Cycle - The aquarium nitrogen cycle


DG - Dwarf Gourami

DGIV- Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus, a poorly understood and often fatal iridovirus that afflicts species of the genus Trichogaster

DIY - Do It Yourself

DT - Display Tank


EBJD - Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

EI - Estimative Index; a method of dosing fertilizers.

EOTD - End of tank dump; when a CO2 tank runs low on pressure, the regulator can't handle it and leaks the CO2 out into the tank.


F1, F2, etc. - First aquarium-bred generation, Second, etc...

Ferts - Fertilizers

FOWLR - Fish only with live rock (saltwater)

Fry - Baby fish

FTS - Full Tank Shot

FW - Freshwater


Gal, G - Gallon

GBR - German Blue Ram

GH - General Hardness; a measure of calcium, magnesium, and other ions

GSP - Green Spotted Puffer


HOB - Hang on Back filter (ex. Aquaclear 10)

HT - Hospital Tank


ICH - Type of fish disease

IMO - In My Opinion

Invert - Invertebrate


KH - Carbonate Hardness; a measure of the alkalinity of water

Kribs - Kribensis; type of dwarf cichlid


L - Litre

LED - Light-emitting diode

LFS - Local Fish Store

LPS - Local Pet Store


Macro - Nutrients that plants need in large doses, or macroalgae (seaweed).

MFK - Monster Fish Keepers

Micro - Nutrients that plants need in small doses

MSS - Mineralized Soil Substrate

MTS - Multiple Tank Syndrome, Malaysian Trumpet Snail, or Mineralized Topsoil Substrate


NH3 - Ammonia

NLS - New Life Spectrum

NO2 - Nitrite

NO3 - Nitrate

NTD - Neon Tetra Disease

NTS - New Tank Syndrome; see cycling.


Oscar - Large species of South American Cichlid.

Oto - Otocinclus; a small catfish


Params - Parameters of your water. Typically, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates

pH - the potential of hydrogen; the acidity or basicity of your water

Pleco - Plecostomus; common name of a freshwater catfish

PO4 - Phosphate

PPM - Parts Per Million

Python - A siphon that attaches to your tap


Q - Quarantine

QT - Quarantine


Ram - Species of South American Cichlid

RCS - Red Cherry Shrimp

RES - Red-Eared Slider; type of turtle.

RO/DI - Reverse Osmosis Deionized; used for water purification.

RTGG - Red Tail Giant Gourami


SA or SAC - South American Cichlid

SAE - Siamese Algae Eater

Sp - Species

SW - Saltwater


TBH - To Be Honest

TDS - Total Dissolved Solids - you can get meters on Amazon for like $15.

TIL - Today I learned.


WC - Water Change or Wild Caught


40b - a 40 gallon breeder; a type of aquarium