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From FishWiki
Revision as of 23:33, 2 May 2024 by Aquasoil (talk | contribs) (Created page with "-- <nowiki> local dpl = {} local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' ) local hasContent = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ).has_content local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg dpl.pipe = '¦' local dataContentMarker = '`#@@#`' local allIncludedParamNames = {} -- Custom function for splitting a string because mw.text.split() is waaay too slow local function split( str, pattern, plain ) local res = {}...")
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:DPLlua/doc

-- <nowiki>
local dpl = {}
local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local hasContent = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ).has_content
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg

dpl.pipe = '¦'
local dataContentMarker = '`#@@#`'
local allIncludedParamNames = {}

-- Custom function for splitting a string because mw.text.split() is waaay too slow
local function split( str, pattern, plain )
        local res = {}
        local continue = true
        local startIndex = 1

        while continue do
                local i, j = string.find( str, pattern, startIndex, plain )
                if i then
                        table.insert( res, string.sub( str, startIndex, i-1 ) )
                        startIndex = j + 1
                        table.insert( res, string.sub( str, startIndex ) )
                        continue = false

        return res

-- Also custom function for speed
local function trim( str )
        return (string.gsub( str, '^%s+', '' ):gsub( '%s+$', '' ))

local function mergeItem( tbl, key, item )
        if type( tbl[key] ) == 'table' and type( item ) == 'table' then
                for k in pairs( tbl[key] ) do
                        mergeItem( tbl[key], k, item[k] )
        elseif type( tbl[key] ) == 'table' then
                table.insert( tbl[key], item )
                tbl[key] = { tbl[key], item }

local escapeChars = {
        ['{'] = '&#123;',
        ['}'] = '&#125;',
        ['['] = '&#91;',
        [']'] = '&#93;',
        ['|'] = '&#124;',
        ['-'] = '&#8208;'
local function escape( str )
        return (string.gsub( str, '[{}%[%]|%-]', escapeChars ))

local unEscapeChars = {
        ['&#123;'] = '{',
        ['&#125;'] = '}',
        ['&#91;'] = '[',
        ['&#93;'] = ']',
        ['&#124;'] = '|',
        ['&#8208;'] = '-'
local function unEscape( str )
        return (string.gsub( str, '&#%d+;', unEscapeChars ))

local function fixCurlyBrackets( str )
        -- the \226\157\180\181 are used to match ❴ (U+2774) and ❵ (U+2775) wich are 3 bytes long (UTF-8) so
        -- we can't use them directly inside [] patterns. Ustring would fix this but it's way too slow.
        return (string.gsub( str, '\226\157[\180\181]', { ['❴'] = '{', ['❵'] = '}' } ))

local function removeFormattingSettings( query )
        local toRemove = {

        for _, k in ipairs( toRemove ) do
                query[k] = nil

local function formatInclude( query )
        checkTypeForNamedArg( 'Module:DPLlua.ask', 'include', query, 'string' )
        query = split( query, ',', true )
        local includedParamNames = {}
        local sectionAttributes = {}

        for i = 1, #query do
                if query[i]:match( '%b{}' ) then -- Check if we are including a template
                        local templateName, extra = query[i]:match( '{(.-)[¦|}](.*)' )
                        if hasContent( extra ) then
                                local phantomTemplateName = extra:match( '^(.-)}' ) or extra:match( '^[./].+' )
                                local phantomTemplatePrefix = extra:match( '^(.-)}' ) and '' or templateName
                                local params = extra:gsub( '^.-}', '' ):gsub( '^[./].+', '' ):gsub( ':%-', '' )
                                local sur = hasContent( phantomTemplateName ) and ('¦' .. phantomTemplatePrefix .. phantomTemplateName) or ''
                                query[i] = string.format( '{%s%s}%s', templateName, sur, params )

                                if hasContent( phantomTemplateName ) then
                                        table.insert( includedParamNames, { name=phantomTemplatePrefix..phantomTemplateName, isTemplate=true, hasPhantomTemplate=true } )
                                        table.insert( sectionAttributes, { hasPhantomTemplate=true } )
                                        for param in params:gmatch( ':([^:]*)' ) do
                                                param = trim( param )
                                                table.insert( includedParamNames, { name=templateName, isTemplate=true, param=param } )
                                        table.insert( sectionAttributes, { hasPhantomTemplate=false } )
                                query[i] = string.format( '{%s¦DPLlua helper}', templateName ) -- Use a helper template to get all the parameters of our included template
                                table.insert( includedParamNames, { name=templateName, isTemplate=true, includeAll=true } )
                                table.insert( sectionAttributes, { hasPhantomTemplate=false } )
                        table.insert( includedParamNames, { name=trim( query[i] ) } )
                        table.insert( sectionAttributes, { hasPhantomTemplate=false } )

        return table.concat( query, ',' ), includedParamNames, sectionAttributes

local function formatDpl( query )
        local queries = {}
        local count = query.count or 500
        local offset = query.offset or 0
        local usesInclude = false
        local includedParamNames = {}
        local sectionAttributes
        query.count = nil
        query.offset = nil

        -- Use table format so we can place dataContentMarkers around each included parameter. The secseparator
        -- is needed to add dataContentMarkers when a phantom template is used
        local dplStringInclude =

        -- Table format requires an include statement so we use format instead.
        -- This is also a lot faster than adding an empty include statement
        local dplStringNoInclude =

        -- Auto generate more than one dpl if count > 500
        -- The results of these are later combined
        for i = 1, math.ceil( count / 500 ) do
                local params = {}

                for k, v in pairs( query ) do
                        if k == 'include' then
                                v, includedParamNames, sectionAttributes = formatInclude( v )
                                usesInclude =  true

                        if type( v ) == 'table' then
                                for _, x in ipairs( v ) do
                                        table.insert( params, k .. '=' .. tostring( x ):gsub( '|', '¦' ) )
                                table.insert( params, k .. '=' .. tostring( v ):gsub( '|', '¦' ) )

                if usesInclude then
                        local secseparators = ''
                        for _, v in ipairs( sectionAttributes ) do
                                if v.hasPhantomTemplate then
                                        -- Phantom templates need this because they ignore tablerow formatting
                                        secseparators = secseparators .. '¶¦' .. dataContentMarker .. ',' .. dataContentMarker .. ','
                                        secseparators = secseparators .. '¶¦,,'

                        table.insert( queries, string.format(
                                count > 500 and 500 or count,
                                table.concat( params, '\n|' ),
                                string.rep( dataContentMarker..'%%'..dataContentMarker..',', #includedParamNames ),
                        ) )
                        table.insert( queries, string.format(
                                count > 500 and 500 or count,
                                table.concat( params, '\n|' )
                        ) )

                count = count - 500
                offset = offset + 500

        table.insert( allIncludedParamNames, includedParamNames )
        return table.concat( queries )

local function toTable( query, groupMultiTemplateResults )
        local includedParamNames = table.remove( allIncludedParamNames, 1 )
        local usesInclude = #includedParamNames > 0
        local res = {}

        query = query:gsub( '<p>Extension:DynamicPageList .-</p>', function(item) res.error = item; return '' end )

        if query:find( '^@@' ) then -- @@ is used when no result is found
                return res

        if usesInclude then
                query = query:gsub( dataContentMarker..'(.-)'..dataContentMarker, escape )

        query = trim( query )
        query = split( query, '|-', true ) -- Results of the returned pages are separated by |-

        for _, v in ipairs( query ) do
                if hasContent( v ) and not v:find( '^@@' ) then
                        v = trim( v )
                        local title = v:match( '^|%[%[(.-)|' )
                        local rawDataList = v:match( '^|.-|.-|(.*)' ) -- This is everything after the title

                        if not usesInclude then
                                if title and title ~= '' then
                                        table.insert( res, title )
                                -- When multiple includes are used (e.g. include={Template1},{Template2} or include={Template}:1:2) their results are separated by a pipe
                                rawDataList = split( rawDataList, '|', true )
                                local cleanedDataList = {}

                                for _incIndex, dataItem in ipairs( rawDataList ) do
                                        local incIndex = ((_incIndex - 1) % #includedParamNames) + 1 -- Needed in case the same template appears multiple times on the same page
                                        dataItem = unEscape( dataItem )
                                        dataItem = trim( dataItem )

                                        if includedParamNames[ incIndex ].isTemplate and includedParamNames[ incIndex ].includeAll then -- Check if we included a full template
                                                -- When we include an entire template we use the %ARGS% parameter supplied by dpl.
                                                -- However all | characters are repaced with §, e.g.:
                                                -- §namelessParam
                                                -- §param = text [[wowee§link text]]
                                                -- §param2 = text {{something§something else}}
                                                dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '\127\'"`UNIQ%-%-nowiki%-%x+%-QINU`"\'\127', function(item) return '<nowiki>' .. item .. '</nowiki>' end )
                                                dataItem = mw.text.unstripNoWiki( dataItem ) -- Unstrip nowiki so we can clean their content
                                                dataItem = fixCurlyBrackets( dataItem ) -- When using the %ARGS% dpl parameter, curly brackets are replaced with ❴ (U+2774) and ❵ (U+2775)
                                                dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '%b{}', function(x) return x:gsub( '§', '|' ) end ) -- Restore pipe characters inside links and templates
                                                dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '%b[]', function(x) return x:gsub( '§', '|' ) end )
                                                dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '<nowiki>(.-)</nowiki>', function(x) return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag( 'nowiki', x ) end ) -- Restrip nowiki
                                                local _dataItem = {}

                                                if dataItem ~= '' then
                                                        dataItem = split( dataItem:sub( 3 ), '§' ) -- The sub(3) removes the first § at the start. § is 2 bytes wide so start at index 3

                                                        for i, item in ipairs( dataItem ) do
                                                                if item:find( '=' ) then -- Check if the parameter is named or unnamed
                                                                        local param, value = item:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$' )
                                                                        _dataItem[ param ] = value
                                                                        table.insert( _dataItem, trim( item ) )

                                                dataItem = _dataItem

                                        local dataListIndex = groupMultiTemplateResults and 1 or math.ceil( _incIndex / #includedParamNames )
                                                includedParamNames[ incIndex ].isTemplate and
                                                not includedParamNames[ incIndex ].includeAll and
                                                not includedParamNames[ incIndex ].hasPhantomTemplate
                                        then -- This means there was an include in the form 'include = {template}:param'
                                                local templateName = includedParamNames[ incIndex ].name
                                                local paramName = includedParamNames[ incIndex ].param
                                                paramName = tonumber( paramName ) or paramName -- Keep as string if tonumber fails
                                                cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ] = cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ] or {}
                                                cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ][ templateName ] = cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ][ templateName ] or {}
                                                if groupMultiTemplateResults and _incIndex > #includedParamNames then
                                                        mergeItem( cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ][ templateName ], paramName, dataItem )
                                                        cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ][ templateName ][ paramName ] = dataItem
                                                local templateName = includedParamNames[ incIndex ].name
                                                cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ] = cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ] or {}
                                                if groupMultiTemplateResults and _incIndex > #includedParamNames then
                                                        mergeItem( cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ], templateName, dataItem )
                                                        cleanedDataList[ dataListIndex ][ templateName ] = dataItem

                                if title and title ~= '' then
                                        for _, v in ipairs( cleanedDataList ) do
                                                table.insert( res, { title=title, include=v } )

        return res

-- Accepts a series of tables each containig the settings for a dpl query.
-- Combinig multiple dpl queries yields better performance than doing them sequentially
function dpl.ask( ... )
        local formatTime = os.clock()
        local queries = { ... }
        local wantsGrouping = {}

        for i = 1, #queries do
                checkType( 'Module:DPLlua.ask', i, queries[i], 'table' )
                table.insert( wantsGrouping, queries[i].groupMultiTemplateResults or false )
                removeFormattingSettings( queries[i] )
                queries[i] = formatDpl( queries[i] )
        formatTime = os.clock() - formatTime

        local DPLtime = os.clock()
        queries = table.concat( queries, '$@µ@$' )
        queries = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( queries )
        queries = split( queries, '$@µ@$', true )
        DPLtime = os.clock() - DPLtime

        for i = 1, #queries do
                local parseTime = os.clock()
                queries[i] = toTable( queries[i], wantsGrouping[i] )
                parseTime = os.clock() - parseTime
                queries[i]['DPL time'] = DPLtime
                queries[i]['Parse time'] = math.floor( (formatTime + parseTime) * 1e5 ) / 1e5 -- os.clock() has a resolution of 10µs

        return unpack( queries )

-- function dpl.test()
--         local time = os.clock()

        -- local a, b = dpl.ask({
        --     namespace = 'Module',
        --     linksto = 'Module:Chart data',
        --     distinct = 'strict',
        --     ordermethod = 'title',
        --     nottitlematch = '%/doc¦%sandbox%¦Exchange/%¦Exchange historical/%¦Chart data',
        --         ignorecase = 'true',
        --         allowcachedresults = false
        -- },{
        --     namespace = 'Module',
        --     linksto = 'Module:Enum',
        --     distinct = 'strict',
        --     ordermethod = 'title',
        --         nottitlematch = '%/doc¦%sandbox%¦Exchange/%¦Exchange historical/%¦Enum',
        --     ignorecase = 'true',
        --         allowcachedresults = false
        -- })
        -- mw.logObject(a)
        -- mw.logObject(b)

        -- local a, b = dpl.ask({
        --     namespace = 'Module',
        --     linksto = 'Module:Chart data',
        --     distinct = 'strict',
        --     ordermethod = 'title',
        --     nottitlematch = '%/doc¦%sandbox%¦Exchange/%¦Exchange historical/%¦Chart data',
        --     ignorecase = 'true',
        --         allowcachedresults = false
        -- },{
        --         namespace = '',
        --         ignorecase = 'true',
        --         uses = 'Template:Infobox Recipe',
        --         count = 50,
        --         include = '{Infobox Recipe},{Infobox Item}',
        --         allowcachedresults = false
        -- })
        -- mw.logObject(a)
        -- mw.logObject(b)

        -- local a = dpl.ask{
        --         namespace = '',
        --         uses = 'Template:Infobox Recipe',
        --         include = '{Infobox Recipe}:skill:name,{Infobox Item}:update,{Infobox Item|test}',
        --         count = 50,
        --         ordermethod = 'title',
        -- }
        -- mw.logObject(a)

        -- local q = dpl.ask{
        --         uses = "Template:Collections table",
        --         category = "Archaeology collections",
        --         -- include = "{Infobox collection}:reward,{Collections table}:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15",
        --         include = "{Infobox collection}:reward,{Collections table}",
        --         count = 100
        -- }
        -- mw.logObject(q)
        -- local q = dpl.ask{
        --         namespace = "",
        --         uses = "Template:Infobox spell",
        --         notcategory = {"Removed content", "Removed spells"},
        --         nottitlematch = {"Enchant Crossbow Bolt", "Storm of Armadyl"},
        --         include = "{Infobox spell}",
        -- }
        -- mw.logObject(q)

--         local list = dpl.ask{
--                 namespace = 'Template',
--                 uses = 'Template:Navbox',
--                 ordermethod = 'title',
--                 include = '{Navbox}:gtitle1:gtitle2',
--                 count = 1,
--                 offset = 3
--         }
--         mw.logObject(list)

--         local list = dpl.ask{
--                 namespace = 'User',
--                 titlematch = 'CephHunter/Sandbox/test1',
--                 include = '{User:CephHunter/Sandbox/test2|User:CephHunter/Sandbox/test3},{User:CephHunter/Sandbox/test3}:1',
--         }
--         mw.logObject(list)

--         mw.logObject(dpl.ask{
--                 namespace = 'User',
--                 ignorecase = 'true',
--                 titlematch = 'CephHunter/Sandbox/test1',
--                 include = '{User:CephHunter/Sandbox/test2}'
--         })

--         mw.logObject(dpl.ask{
--                 namespace = 'Module',
--                 uses = 'Template:Helper module',
--                 titlematch = '%/doc',
--                 nottitlematch = 'Exchange/%|Exchange historical/%|Sandbox/%',
--                 ordermethod = 'title',
--                 include = '{Helper module}, {Helper module}:example',
--                 count = 1,
--                 offset = 13
--         })

--         mw.logObject(dpl.ask{
--         namespace = 'Module',
--         titlematch = 'Chart data|Absorbative calculator',
--         nottitlematch = 'Exchange/%|Exchange historical/%|Sandbox/%|%/doc|DPLlua%',
--         ordermethod = 'title',
--         include = '%0'
--         })

--         mw.logObject(dpl.ask{
--         uses = 'Template:Collections table',
--         include = '{Collections table}',
--         count = 5
--         })

--         mw.log(os.clock()-time)
-- end

return dpl
-- </nowiki>